My position at Vintage 329 was unique and covered many areas of expertise. Primarily my job was as in-house Web Designer and Administrator and Social Media Manager; but also included Product Photographer, Content Manager, Graphic Designer, Tech Support, WordPress Trainer, Sales Associate, Product Research/Authentication/Identification, Purchasing, Shipping/Freight/Receiving, Event Coordinator, and more.
Social Media
Print & Graphics
Problem: sell over 2500 individual one-off products online without publicly disclosing the prices of the items, per requirement of the management, use a 30+ year old logo and very bright color scheme to match the interior of the physical store (purple walls and lime green accents.)
The technical challenge of selling without displaying prices was accomplished using an existing WordPress plugin, and adding custom functions to both this plugin and WooCommerce. Customers would: Add to Quote (instead of cart)> Request Quote (instead of checkout)> Receive onscreen/email quote> Accept Quote> Checkout. Behind the scenes, gallery sales associates would receive the quote request via email, check client records to see if they were a previous client, price the items (which were pre-filled with the list or sales price,) and send the quote. The system also allowed customers to make counter-offers within the quote, and check out normally once the quote was accepted. Sales associates were trained to update WooCommerce products and utilize the Request A Quote program, and also were assigned their own discount codes to share with clients. While not traditional, this system opened Vintage329 up to making international sales, and allowed the gallery to make sales while closed during the 2020 COVID shutdown and supplemented the low foot traffic the gallery experienced once reopening.
Visually, I tackled the design challenges of this project by keeping the design simple, without animations, shadows, and other bells and whistles. To tone down the impact of the purple and green color scheme, a non-negotiable for the business, I selected a deeper shade of purple from the original logo to impart a feeling of luxury, and relied heavily on excellent photography of the beautiful products.
Unfortunately due to a catastrophic hard drive failure, my personal screenshots and copy of this site were lost, and the company has since chosen not to maintain the ecommerce store. These screenshots have been created from the Internet Archive and edited to reflect the complete design as much as possible.
As Social Media manager for Vintage 329, I grew our Instagram following from a few hundred to over 2000 between August of 2018 and January 2019. Along with daily posts featuring new items and sales, I also implemented giveaways to increase followers and buyers, which increased our engagement and following over 300%.
This long standing gallery maintained regular print advertisements in local publications, for which I was responsible during my tenure. I also created all printed items needed in the gallery – thank you notes, quarterly postcards, mailing slips, and in-store signage. These are a few examples.
While employed with Vintage 329 I was fortunate to share graphic design and photography duties with a talented colleague. In general, I photographed for social media and they did our product and editorial photography. Here are a few of my favorite social media shots from the years I worked at Vintage 329.